

Easter eggs, shots, Easter lamb, Easter whip,...
things typical for Easter in the Czech Republic.
Do you want to learn more?
Keep reading.

First Sunday after first spring fullmoon is Easter Sunday. However, everything starts a week before! The week is called Holy Week and every day has its special name. Let's go day by day.

Palm Sunday

A Sunday before and Easter Sunday. For Christians this day is commemoration of Jesus entry to Jerusalem. If you are a Christian you can go to a church and take part in a special worship service.

Blue/Yellow Monday

A special day for pagans: a start of an Easter cleaning.

Grey Tuesday

Another day of cleaning for pagans.

Ugly Wednesday

Rumour has is if you frown on Ugly Wednesday, you will frown all year long. So don't! In the Czech Republic, Judas is baked (a pastry that looks like a rope and stands for the rope that Judas was hanged on for his betrayal). Eventhough the story and symbolism might be frightening, the pastry is delicisous!


Green Thursday

If you like traditions, get up before sunrise and eat an Easter Judas with honey. It should bright you health. If you don't care about traditions eat it anyway, we think, you will like it, because we do! Another thing that you should eat on this day is vegetable, green if possible. It will also bring you health!
Thursday is also the day when bells fly to Rome and are silent until White Sunday. This day Christians commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.

Great Friday

The day of the crucifixion of Jesus. It it said he died at 3 p.m.
This day used to be a public holiday in the Czech Republic until 1950s and it was declared public holiday again in 2015. According to folk superstisions, treasure can be found on this day! And also you shouldn't wash clothes, because it would be washed in Christ's blood.

White Saturday

The day Jesus Christ's body lay in the tomb. No services are held on this day and no traditions are connected with this day.

Easter Sunday

The day of ressurection, the most imporant day for Christians.
Girls and women in the Czech Republic decorate eggs and bake Easter lambs and boys and men make whip (pomlázka) which consists of willow rods.

Easter Monday

In the morning, boys and men go from house to house with their whips and spank every girl and women they meet. This spanking ensures that women will be healthy, beautiful and fertile during the next year and women give men coloured eggs (kraslice) or shots as a sign of their thanks.




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